Getting Started With Your Ideal Customer Profile

At the foundation of every successful sales team is a shared understanding of your company's ideal customer. Although you may know why you started your company as well as what you can offer, without knowing who will purchase your product or service, it will be challenging to grow. By creating a well-defined ideal customer profile, you will be able to scale and achieve sustainable success. Here's how to begin. The Basics of an Ideal Customer Profile During an ideal customer profile session, you notice patterns in the conversation. [...]

Vx Group is going to the dogs

It was a cold early-December morning when Vx Group President Eric Zoromski hopped in the pilot’s seat of a plane headed to Rensselaer, IN. His mission: transport a mother dog and her eight pups to their new home in Wisconsin. It was all part of Pilots N Paws, a non-profit organization that matches volunteer pilots and plane owners with rescue dogs in need of transport. “We are all dog lovers at the Vx Group and this is such an important cause for [...]

Download: Vx Group Growth Goal Calculator

We want 2018 to be a great year for you and your company, and to support that the Vx Group has developed a free tool you can use to determine how many new customers you need to acquire over the next year to meet your company growth goals. Here’s how it works: Download the calculator and launch it (you’ll need Microsoft Excel) Under Company Information, add your company name and dates. Try to keep your growth goals to a year (Jan. 1-Dec. [...]

How to kickstart sales late in the year

Q4 is a rough period for B2B sales, with many of your customers buried underneath end-of-the-year paperwork. Because of this, there is a tendency to avoid B2B sales altogether late in the year. The way we see it, while this seems like sound logic it’s really a missed opportunity. Yes, it’s correct that your customers are struggling with year-end reports, but you know what would be a great break for them? Talking to you. We’ve found that not only will your customers [...]

5 things that push website visitors away

Companies put a lot of time and effort into getting potential customers to visit their websites. From search engine optimization to pay-per-click, print and website ads, social media strategies, search engine marketing, backlinking and blogging strategies, most businesses use every trick in the book to boost visits. But what are your visitors seeing once the click through to your site? When people visit your website, they are looking for information. If they don’t find it, or you make it hard for them [...]

3 ways to add value to every sales meeting

Sales meetings can be a lot of things: intimidating, rewarding, complicated, etc. But there are times when everyone starts thinking: “I am adding nothing to this meeting.” There are several ways you can add value to any sales meeting. First, don’t pretend you know everything. There is no shame in asking for clarification. Many times these discussions lead to new ideas, better processes and so on. Fast Company recently published an article on this subject. You can see more meeting tips here. [...]

4 things to avoid when selling yourself

You may know your company’s product lines backwards and forwards, but the simple truth about sales is your customers are buying from you. If they don’t like you, there’s a good chance they won’t buy from you. Many forget that during every sales meeting, one of the products you are selling is: you. During the small-talk portion of every sales meeting, there’s a chance to sell yourself by answering the simple questions almost everyone asks. We’ve put together a few examples [...]

Treat sales like a jet engine

We’ve had a lot of clients express the desire for a short-term sales boost, and our canned response is that there are few levers you can pull besides price to increase sales in the next 30-90 days. You can read more about that here and here. Oddly enough, we’ve also heard of companies with the exact opposite problem – the sales department is crushing it so hard that production and engineering can’t keep up. Sales is often pressured to “slow down” by [...]

Sales Outsourcing for Growth

Outsourcing: To many, this is the dirtiest of dirty words – implying the shipping of jobs overseas, forcing customers to deal with service reps who don’t understand English and profits over people. Outsourcing has a very negative image. The core philosophy of outsourcing isn’t a bad thing – to address internal limitations by employing an outside firm that can shoulder the responsibility. It’s often a lower-cost solution that adds value to products, improves customer experience and ultimately grows top-line revenue. Outsourcing business [...]

Download: Sales-to-Revenue Calculator

Hiring a new salesperson and having them work their first opportunities through the sales funnel takes time, but how much time? The answer may surprise you – especially if you are in a leadership position. We’ve been studying the performance of new sales hires for years, and we’ve found huge differences between when leadership thinks those strategies will affect the balance sheet and when they actually do. With complex sales, it often takes 6-9 months for new sales efforts to turn into income. On the [...]

5 things you should never say during a sales meeting

Saying the wrong thing during a sales meeting can bring your pitch to a screeching halt. What's the wrong thing? Here are five things you should never say during a sales meeting. "I don't know" – In sales there is never a reason to say "I don't know." It makes your potential clients think, "If you don't know this now, will you know the answer to a really important question once we've hired you?" Not to say you should lie (see tip [...]

How to make your next online sales presentation a success

You've scripted the perfect PowerPoint, assembled some magnificent imagery for your slides, and you've out the invites to your online presentation. The only thing you need to do now is show up and press start, right? WRONG! Online sales presentations are only effective if you've done your best to eliminate all potential issues you could encounter in the virtual conference room. We've all been looped into really bad online presentations, and they are more frustrating than informative. If you want to keep [...]

Google Analytics and you

We live in the future! With the advent of Google Analytics, you can produce a report detailing where your web traffic is coming from, what people are looking at on your site and more! Lots more! Almost too much. “Google Analytics can be really intimidating,” said Julie Booher, the Vx Group Integrated Marketing Manager who has been deciphering Google Analytics Reports for nearly a decade. “I’ve seen people get completely overwhelmed with the amount of data Google Analytics provides, but you just [...]

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